LLSP Teaching Assistantship
Application is due by 5 PM on Friday, April 2, 2021
The Latina and Latino Studies program is accepting applications for a teaching assistantship for the 2021-2022 school year. We will select one graduate student who will support our program by working as a Teaching Assistant for Latino 201, “Introduction to Latino Studies,” support coordination of events and lectures, and design and teach their own course in Spring 2022. Mentoring on critical pedagogy and interdisciplinary teaching will be provided. The funding for this assistantship will come from the Gradate School. Specifically, it will be for three quarters, at a stipend rate of $2,848 per month.
To qualify, applicants must meet the following criteria:
- Student must be in good academic standing
- Student must have the approval of the program DGS and primary thesis adviser to accept the appointment
- Student must be a TGS student
- Due to COVID-19, for FY2022 only, students may be funded on Interdisciplinary GAships through their 7th year.Interdisciplinary GAship quarters for 6th and 7th year students are not bankable since quarters may still only be banked through year 5.
Applications should be submitted via email to latinao-studies@northwestern.edu by 5 PM on Friday, April 2, 2021. Please submit:
- A filled-out application (see application below)
- A current CV
- A one-page description for a proposed Latina/o Studies course (300-level)
- A compilation of your CTECS or other relevant teaching evaluation
- A brief letter of recommendation from a faculty adviser. (This letter must be submitted directly by your referee to latinao-studies@northwestern.edu by the application due date.)
- Name:
- Department:
- E-mail address:
- Phone number:
- Year in graduate school (as of Fall 2021):
- Adviser’s name and email:
- If different, name and email of the faculty member who will be writing your recommendation for this Teaching Assistantship:
- Are you applying to other grants or fellowships for this coming year?
- ____ Yes ____ No. If yes, which?
- Briefly describe relevant previous coursework and experience in Latina/o Studies:
- Briefly describe your interest in being a TA and/or teaching a course for the Latina/o Studies program:
- List your teaching experience (quarters, course titles, supervising professor, number of students, self-designed courses, etc.)
- What specific experience have you had working with students on their writing skills?
For administrative questions, please contact Carlos Ballinas at: carlos.ballinas@northwestern.edu. Substantive questions should be addressed to Prof. Geraldo L. Cadava at: g-cadava@northwestern.edu.
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